British Rowing |

Week 2 Endurance (BRVC)

Session 1

Session 1 is your landmark row. You could consider splitting this up into two rows with a short break in between to give you time to stretch, hydrate and eat if required.

Session 1

Row 45 minutes
Notes 22spm
RPE 6-7

Session 2

Session 2 is a shorter session but no less effective. It’s a short, sharp interval session

Session 2

Row 8 x 1 minute
Notes 32spm
Rest 2 minutes
RPE 4-6

Session 3

Session 3 is your cross training session. The modality is up to you, but it should be something that keeps your heart rate slightly raised for the duration of the session.

Session 3

Duration 60 minutes
RPE 3-4

Photo: Microgen/