British Rowing |

Week 6 – Fitter (cardio)

Session 1

This session continues to build on your endurance base, with two steady state rows. Keep that control and rhythm throughout and observe the recommended RPE (rate of perceived exertion) to make sure you are working at an appropriate effort level.

Session 1

Row 2 x 15 minutes
Notes 20-24spm
Rest 5 minutes
RPE 6/7

Session 2

The work to rest ratio of the HIIT session is still 2:1 but the length of interval and recovery has increased. This means you’ll need to pull back slightly on the effort, and maximise that rest time, to keep consistent and strong throughout. 

Session 2

Row 4 minute hard row
Notes x4
Rest 2 minutes

Session 3

You’ve got the distance focus back this week for your longer intervals. With the short recovery time keep control in your first row so you can complete the second feeling strong. 

Session 3

Row 2 x 2km
Notes 24-28spm
Rest 4 minutes
RPE 7/8

Photo: Waterrower