British Rowing |

Week 6 – Faster (cardio)

Session 1

With the introduction of power strokes in session two, the 250m alternating endurance row has been moved into session one this week. You’re going further again though, continuing to build that endurance fitness which is the base you need to increase your speed.

Session 1

Row 6km
Notes 250m light, 250m sprint
RPE 7/8

Session 2

The power strokes are back in this session, but you’ve got two shorter distance rows rather than one long one today. Let’s see if you can get that power any higher in the ‘power 10’ pushes.

Session 2

Row 2x3km
Notes 10 power strokes every 500m
Rest 5 minutes
RPE 7/8

Power Strokes

Maintain rate but increase power so split drops.

Session 3

The high intensity interval has changed again this week. The aim is to sprint 100m every 90s with the remainder of the 90s as rest, so the faster you row it, the more rest you get. Conversely, the slower you row it, the less rest you get, which makes this session a really good one to test your ability to recover and repeat your performance rep after rep. 

Session 3

Row 100m sprint every 90 seconds
Notes x15
Rest Rest for the remainder of the 90s
RPE 8-10

Photo: Dean Drobot/